Apr 1, 2013

Quiet Please!!!

Q U I E T   P L E A S E !!! 

Living in Japan, you seldom have anytime for total peace and quiet… In fact, I have never heard my ears ring from lack of any sound like I have a number of times in the states while I was at the Grand Canyon, Arches, Death Valley, the jungles of Malaysia and Thailand etc…  Japan does have its country-side with fewer and fewer people every year but there always seems to be something making a noise that keeps the word total silence out of the vocabulary… 

Do you remember a time or the last time that you really had a quiet moment… where you could feel and hear your heart beating, your ears ringing, the pulse of your blood without even touching your wrist…

We all need a little quiet time, a little down time, a little “off the grid” time so we can pay attention to what is going on inside our bodies and our brains… How long has it been since you were able to take a time out from the high pace of everything?  Has it been too long?  Most of us have to learn how to reunite with our inner-self and the messages that are always there when we are really listening…the most simple and the most complex problems can be solved and decisions made with a little peace and quiet that makes for things being better in our lives…

The Japanese have always been considered a quiet people… I have found that not to be the case when they are in numbers… even small numbers…  I was at Arches watching the Delicate Arch and the Sun about to rise right through the middle of it… It was a very beautiful and quiet moment… The next second, a huge deafening sound of … not other Americans, nor Europeans, but a busload of Japanese got off a bus and decided that talking in a huge voice in the middle of nowhere where there isn’t any noise, was a good thing for them…  Little did they realize that they were about to miss out on one of the most beautiful sites on this planet and also the chance to hear total silence for probably the first time in their lives…  
Speaking better Japanese than their guide, I immediately popped out the Osaka dialect and started to calm the masses down with low and very witty  sense of humor but with a final destination of total peace and quiet from all of them and before the Sun rose too high to enjoy it…  They got the picture, and we took pictures after they enjoyed the moment of pure and total silence… a once in a lifetime experience for most of them…

What is your excuse for not taking some time to just sit down and be quiet so you can really think about things?   Examples to come soon... :) 


When was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing - just sitting and looking at the sea, or watching the wind blowing the tree limbs, or waves rippling on a pond, a flickering candle or children playing in the park?

There is a time to be quiet and a time to talk!

Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.   
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan 
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology

Ex-Professional Athlete--  
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to  Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses. 

Tell me what you are interested in!!!
Please come again... Thank you for your time :) 


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