It is interesting to see the different mindsets between Japan and the USA when it comes to health and aging... The USA seems to consider itself a very useful nation that is focused on complete health of the body and mind but most of the Americans think that round is a shape to be in !!!
In Japan, they are in a lot better shape physically than their US counterparts parse and yet they take getting old as a sign that it is time to be old. A lot of the Japanese look younger than they actually are but they act like they are a lot older and fall into a groove of getting old... But we now find out that it isn't just their mindset that is getting old...
The reality of both countries is that among the few Olympic athletes and a the hard core bodies on the infomercials--is the shocking reality that the up-and-coming young generations to a large extent, are inactive unfit, and increasingly overweight...
Because of all the trains in Japan and the lack of parking spaces, out of necessity, the Japanese have to walk a lot more than the Americans and other countries whose single mode of transportation is totally their car! But even with the extra walking, is it really making that big of a difference?
I was talking to a Japanese doctor the other day whose research deals with bones, bone density and aging of bones. He told me that he has seen many x-rays of children's bones that could easily be mistaken for a person in their 70's and 80's...
Major problems are their diets=too much junk food of course... lack of and or almost no amounts of regular exercise on a daily basis and bad habits that help them to dig a deeper hole with very little chance of escaping . The only joint on their body that seems to be in shape is their thumb joint from all the online video games they play... The doctor smirked for a second but then said it is no laughing matter...
What happened to all that great education that both nations and other nations talk about? Why is it so hard to get physically active? I have seen and read reports on studies from both the US and Japan... Their results: The people of both countries are not eating right, not getting enough proper nutrition, not exercising enough, not getting enough sleep, and not drinking enough water... NO DUH !!!
Gets back to educating the masses of course but not just education but also leading by example!!!
***Physical activity is an identifier as to how healthy a nation is and can become***
Strategies need to be enforced and the example needs to be set in the areas of:
Family First: Families who enjoy activities together, stay active and exercise becomes fun!
School Programs: Again, teaching the children to be healthier is only one part... How many teachers are in good enough shape to tell the children to get in shape? (Round is a shape but not the one we are striving after) By getting the teachers involved, the children develop attitudes and skills to naturally help them to become more active which leads to and helps maintain a active lifestyle both physically and mentally!!
***Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity***
After School Programs: Programs set up after school giving them regular chances to play physically... How hard can it be? These programs are needed and need to be enhanced to promote more physical activity that is fun and gets the younger generation to the point that it isn't a national priority anymore but a gift given to ourselves and the benefits of living a more active life!!!
. School programs.including quality, daily physical education;
health education; recess; and extracurricular activities.that help
students develop the knowledge, attitudes, skills, behaviors, and
confidence to adopt and maintain physically active lifestyles, while
providing opportunities for enjoyable physical activity.
***If a man achieves victory over this body, who in the world can exercise power over him? He who rules himself rules over the whole world***
An environment that makes it easy and safe for all young and old and in between, to become more physically active in walking, running, playing, riding bikes and other single and group oriented activities, the promotion for health will become as natural as breathing.
***The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years***
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology
Ex-Professional Athlete--
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses.
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