You Can Become a Loser

The title doesn't sound good but the reality of the meaning in this case is good and what everyone wants. There are many fundamental and technical things that you can do to help yourself lose weight. Dieting, calorie counting etc… are ways that are usually short-lived unless you really understand why you are doing them…Without getting technical, here are a few simple things that you can start to utilize immediately…
Robert Scott
1. Eat only when you are hungry...
2. Fill the Fridge with Munchies!
3. Out Of Sight… Out Of Mind
4. Eat at the Table...
5. Slow Down You Move To Fast
6. Never Skip Meals
7. Better Waste then Waist
8. Drink Lots of Water
1. Eat only when you are hungry...
Yes, It is a very simple and seems like a no-brainer…but many people do eat
when they really aren't hungry...
Don't go out of your way to eat because you can see food in front of you or
because you did poorly on a test or you are bored, you had a bad day at work
and or have become depressed or lonely… Food is fuel and should be used as
such… Learn to understand the difference between your brain needing some
love through food binging and your stomach really needing the fuel…
2. Fill the Fridge with Munchies!
Of course I’m talking about healthy things like fresh vegetables and fruit… If
you have a garden, work on your green thumb… If not go to the store and get in
the habit of buying finger foods that are really good for you and a lot of times
things that you really like or can learn to really like … (seasonal fruits and
veggies are a good idea as well) When you get the munchies, you will reach for
the healthy foods in your home if that is all you have stocked in your fridge,
pantry and kitchen…
3. Out Of Sight… Out Of Mind
Stay away from Junk Food TV Commercials
If you watch television, good chances you will see up to 5000 ads a day and
many of them may cause you to gain weight just by looking at them… Watching
those great and very tantalizing junk food commercials over and over again in
the same hour and day breaks down your will and your brain wins against the
stomach especially with all the technology and HD TVs out there that can make
anything look tasty!!! So stay away from such commercials and you will have
better chance of to save yourself from binge eating… This could be the one
case where your remote control can really come in handy…
4. Eat at the Table...
When you eat at the table your focus is mainly on what you are doing… Try not
to eat in front of the television however, because it causes mindless eating and
you may not realize that you have already finished your plate and onto second
and third helpings… Talk to your family while you eat… If you are alone enjoy
the flavor and smell of the food and chew chew chew…
5. Slow Down You Move To Fast
Is your mouth going full bore when you eat? You may not have realized that
this phrase from the Simon and Garfunkel song was actually about eating
habits. OK, it wasn't about eating habits but it is still very good advice.
It takes your brain between 15 and 20 minutes to figure out that there is food
in your stomach after you have put it there. Statistics show that a large
amount of large(overweight and obese) people are fast eaters. Again, having
people there to talk to and putting your knife, fork or spoon down while you are
chewing keeps the speed down and helps you to get fuller faster with fewer
calories in your system. Again, if you are eating by yourself, take time to smell
the coffee or food or whatever makes you take the time to slow down and enjoy
the meal.
6. Never Skip Meals
Did you know that almost 100% of diets never work. When you diet a signal goes
to your brain saying that you are in starve mode and if you don't get
something to eat quickly you may die. Your DNA doesn't realize you don't have
to kill dinosaurs to eat anymore and doesn't calculate in the big frig you got in
your kitchen. Your brain panics and send a signal to your body to lower your
metabolism rate so you won't starve to death. So when you start eating again
your metabolism is lower than before so you gain back weight plus extra weight
you didn't have before. It is better to eat a lot of smaller meals a day. Even
if you eat the same amount of calories a day your brain will not go into
starvation mode and your body will store less fat and burn more calories for
the very reason that it hasn't been deprived of fuel. (food)
7. Better Waste then Waist
Of course it is better to eat just enough food to make you satisfied but
sometimes we have access on our plate that we don't really need or want to
eat but feel we must eat it all because our mother's told us we had to eat
everything on our plates as kids. If are full and really don't want to eat
anymore... it is better to waste it or give it to the dog then it is to wear it on
your waist the next day. "Eat it Now... Wear it Tomorrow" Don't fall into that
8. Drink Lots of Water
Water as we all know is very important to our health...
Research has shown that drinking two glasses of water 20-30 minutes before
eating helps individuals to lose weight quicker than those who don't and helps
those who do to keep it off in the long term as well. Most people who drink
water before a meal tend to eat 75 to 100 fewer calories per meal which
doesn't seem like a lot at first but that is a 14 to 20 lbs difference. Plus
drinking enough water keeps you hydrated thus keeping your metabolism up.
( A simple 1% of dehydration can cause a significant drop in anyone's
metabolism, which can become a huge factor and interfere with weight loss.)
Also if your body is dehydrated your brain cannot tell the difference between
being thirsty and hungry so drinking enough water is essential.
***** Eating everything you want is not that much fun. When you live a life with no
boundaries, there’s less joy. If you can eat anything you want to, what’s the
fun in eating anything you want to? ***** Tom Hanks *****
To your Bari Bari Body,
Robert Scott
Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
R. Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology specialist.
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Teaches Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology
Ex-Pro Athlete--
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to Professional Athletes and the Masses.
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