Fast Sprints Fast Results
I have been to many gyms all over Japan and the US as well and one thing I am always worried about is when someone (unless they are training for a full marathon) tells me that they have been running on a machine for the last couple of hours and do it everyday or more than a couple times a week and their main goal is fat loss.. It ain't gonna turn out like you want it !!!
I have news for you !!!
Sprinting: Sprints are a way better for you and your fat loss than
running long distances!!!
Truth is, when you run too long, your body starts to burn muscle... Don't get me wrong...
I run long sometimes when I want to work on my lungs or crank up my cardiovascular system... However, fast spurts of speed; sprinting can also give you the same results you want in shorter amounts of time and with less wear and tear on your body parts...
Sprints make you use your fast twitch muscles more... Fast twitch muscles have a lot of power but very little stamina but when you sprint you jack them up for all they are worth and that results in a fast heart beat quickly and growth hormone being
released into your system which helps build muscle and burn fat.
When you are able to spike your heart rate
to very high levels, studies have shown that as your heart rate heads back down to
your resting heart rate, we all tend to burn a lot more fat and actually keeps your heart rate elevated for sometimes many hours after you have finished your exercises...
In other words, shorter and quicker can give you better and quicker results... You are able to jack your heart rate up, get your muscles and cardiovascular working full-tilt, stimulate growth hormone for better fat loss and keeps the burn going for many hours after the original exercise is finished...
Try adding more sprints to your work-out regime... YOU WILL LOVE THE RESULTS!!!
For those of you who have never really sprinted or the last time you did sprints the dinosaurs were still roaming the earth... Start out slow and build up your speed and power...
You will see the results almost instantly....
A little correct knowledge goes a long way and is the short cut to a healthier life and more efficient use of your time!!
If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up; he needs a good piece of education to turn him around...
Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology
Ex-Professional Athlete--
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses.
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University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology
Ex-Professional Athlete--
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses.
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