Aging is inevitable!
Health is a choice!

The way you think, the way you behave, and the way you eat, can seriously influence your life by 30 or more years...
Do you think about your body like you think about eating breakfast, lunch and don't really think about it, you just have it ?!!
What is this world coming to when people think that it is the fault of fast food shops and tobacco companies for their guts and butts getting fatter and their many hospital visits and health problems that mysteriously seem to pop up...(fact: The Chinese consume 50,000 cigarettes every second.)
Let's take a shot of reality here people... You are the one filling your face. You are the one taking a drag on a lit cig with the surgeon warning starring you right in the eyes...You are the one who thinks exercising is getting into the shape of a couch potato... How can you blame it on something or someone else when all of these things are in your control? It is very simple!!! And when you realize that it is you who has control of whatever shape your body and mind are in--that is the first step to heading into a healthier direction and a healthier you... YOU YOU!!!
A Japanese singer friend wrote a song (in Japanese of course) but some of the lyrics go like this...
"Stress makes the world go bad... Humans make the earth go bad... Humans make humans go bad..."(sing along if you like...oh you already are?) Not much to the lyrics but the point is made... And when it comes to the health of any nation and especially the US right now... “The next major advancement in the health industry initiative of the American people will not be determined by the next super drug that comes out or by making marijuana legal but will be determined by what the individual is willing to do for himself.”
JFK said, "Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country... How about doing both at the same time... Doing something for yourself that actually does something for the country at the same time... Get in shape...stay healthy physically and mentally... You not only get into shape, feel better, and become a beacon for others including your children to follow(you want to be around to see your child get married, right?) who are losing the fight to cellulite, you wind up being able to do something that Obama cannot do... Balance the budget...
The solution to getting rid of tons of personal body fat and USA deficit fat is to use a balancing ball more, walk more, eat better and smaller portions, get positive and to be an example to others.
The solution of this problem is to stop and reverse ours, yours and the worlds epidemic of chronic diseases, and thereby lowering health costs to a low and all time sustainable single-digit percentage of the GDP. We like to practice golf to get a lower score... If we practice life the same way, those "lower scores" equal a healthier life; a healthier environment, a healthier country, and a healthier world...
The important variable over which we have control is whether we remain healthy as we age. We must teach ourselves and get health help from others who are doing just that. Make no mistake... This epidemic is man-made, woman-made, self-made, we can choose to unmake it through ways that are not so drastic, not so new that you have never tried them before... It isn't rocket science people...but if learning about rockets helps to keep another donut out of your mouth... DO IT !!! With healthy individuals being the exception these days and with childhood disease rates increasing everyday, showing by example and teaching children how to improve health and avoid disease will produce immediate results in health and well-being plus, not if but when you are able to do this, your family, your company, your country all save with a reduction in costs and with savings of quality of life and yes, money too, compounded each year. Health and financial interest? Now that is interest that I'm interested in...
Aging is inevitable!
Health is a choice!
The choice is yours!
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology
Ex-Professional Athlete--
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses.
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