May 25, 2013

Fast Sprints Fast Results


Fast Sprints Fast Results 

I have been to many gyms all over Japan and the US as well and one thing I am always worried about is when someone (unless they are training for a full marathon)  tells me that they have been running on a machine for the last couple of hours and do it everyday or more than a couple times a week and their main goal is fat loss..   It ain't gonna turn out like you want it !!! 

I have news for you !!!

Sprinting:  Sprints are a way better for you and your fat loss than running long distances!!!

Truth is,  when you run too long, your body starts to burn muscle... Don't get me wrong... 
I run long sometimes when I want to work on my lungs or crank up my cardiovascular system... However,  fast spurts of speed;  sprinting can also give you the same results you want in shorter amounts of time and with less wear and tear on your body parts...  

 Sprints make you use your fast twitch muscles more...  Fast twitch muscles have a lot of power but very little stamina but when you sprint you jack them up for all they are worth and that results in a fast heart beat quickly and  growth hormone being released into your system which helps build muscle and burn fat. 

When you are able to  spike your heart rate to very high levels, studies have shown that as your heart rate heads  back down to your resting heart rate, we all tend to burn a lot more fat and actually keeps your heart rate elevated for sometimes many hours after you have finished your exercises... 

 In other words, shorter and quicker can give you better and quicker results...  You are able to jack your heart rate up,  get your muscles and  cardiovascular working full-tilt, stimulate growth hormone for better fat loss and keeps the burn going for many hours after the original exercise is finished...   

Try adding more sprints to your work-out regime...   YOU WILL LOVE THE RESULTS!!!
For those of you who have never really sprinted or the last time you did sprints the dinosaurs were still roaming the earth... Start out slow and build up your speed and power...
You will see the results almost instantly....   

A little correct knowledge goes a long way and is the short cut to a healthier life and more efficient use of your time!!  

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up; he needs a good piece of education to turn him around...  


Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.  
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology

Ex-Professional Athlete-- 
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to  Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses.

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May 12, 2013

Five For Fat

It's simple, if it jiggles, it's fat.
Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you are one of those people who find that the only way to look thin is to hang out with fat people... then here are five simple and usually not thought of things you can do right now that will help you to burn off some of that extra flab...  

1. Water When Waking... 

Your  metabolism is one of our most important things for your goal to fight the extra fat!!!  Getting in the habit of drinking 2 big glasses of cold water when you wake up, cranks the calorie burning mechanism(s) into gear and one other bonus is you have already started to burn calories but haven't taken in any calories yet...  . Also, 75% of the world is dehydrated  so this habit also re-hydrates your body after a 6 to 8 hours of body functions that use a lot of water while you sleep...  Kill a lot of birds with one stone or rather with 2 glasses of water!!!

2. Good Morning Fat Cells (highly active in the morning)

There are some professionals that still think otherwise but my own findings and personal experience tell me that I am able to burn off a lot more fat in the morning than any other time of the day... Exercise and then eat the most important meal of the day works wonders for energy levels and also for keeping the excess fat off of the belly!!!  Yes, carbs are not scary when you exercise and eat most of your daily carbs in the morning!!!  

Fat cells can absorb carbs and store them as fat for future use due to the spike in insulin (a hormone that effects the way we absorb and process calories)  but not as readily when vigorous exercise is done first and before eating in the morning...   (Findings also suggest that the majority of people who exercise in the morning are more likely to continue to exercise than those who don't exercise in the morning

3. Shorter and Intense Exercises  

   Have you ever seen pictures side by side of a marathon runner and a 100 meter sprinter? Don't get me wrong... marathon runners are amazing athletes... But for the regular Joe and Jane out there... running and or even jogging many miles a day, though good for your heart, is not so good for the body, joints and losing fat... 
Research has shown that small spurts of intense exercise goes  a lot further in respect to losing that stubborn fat than does long cardio exercises like running or jogging hours at a time...  

When thinking about losing fat, many people don't realize that long distance running and long intervals of cardio exercise  that exceeds 60 minutes kicks a hormone into gear that starts to burn muscle more than fat... Cortisol is the muscle burning hormone which actually burns muscle instead of the fat making it even harder for people who are not marathon runners to lose unwanted body fat... Some people lose some weight this way but not a lot of body fat and if the body burns muscle as well, your body metabolism slows down and gaining your weight back plus more  tends to happen in many of us... (Myth: muscle weights more than fat!!! NOPE!!!  A pound of muscle and a pound of fat weight "a pound". The difference is that a pound of muscle is more dense and takes up less space... Muscle also boosts our metabolism and burns calories 24/7 so it is a good idea to have more muscle...   

4. Fats Don't Make You Fat  

Eating fat won't make you fat.

Did you know that you can eat high fat--low carb diets that are actually great for fat your fat loss. Just stay away from the trans fats... Saturated and monounsaturated fats even high levels of them actually keep your insulin levels lower than you think plu they give our bodies something to burn as energy!!!

If you eat a low fat, low carb, high protein diet your body will search for something to burn and will demand a lot of energy quickly...  Needless to say, your bod ends up converting your muscles into sugar to be used as fuel so your body can function correctly,  which in the long run and sometime even the short run ends up becoming one of the reasons why your body doesn't function correctly. Burning your muscle as energy and fuel is the last thing you want to happen when building your ideal bod.

Fats are not the enemy!!! Just make sure you don't eat them with a lot of carbs and  with a trans fat. Keep your insulin (absorption hormone)  from spiking, and the result will be less fats stored and more fats burned as fuel... 

And don't fall into the trap of dieting... Diets are made to fail...  Research ways to balance your food intake and add some high fats and high protein as well... (Statistically, if you have ever dieted you are extremely likely not only to regain any weight you lose, but to go on to gain even more. Dieting makes you fat)

5. Muscle Burns Fat

It is simple!!! 

The more muscle your body has, the faster your metabolism is going to beThat is why Michael Phelps is able to get away with eating junk food and still gets Olympic gold with the great swimming body he has... That is why big muscle dudes can eat junk food and still stay lean... I'm not telling you it is a good thing to eat junk food but what I am telling you is that even if your focus is to  be lean and mean or big and bulky, or slim and sleek... your workouts need to focus on muscle-building. Your diet(food intake) should focus on losing fat while building and maintaining muscle.  The more lean muscle you build, the easier it is to stay in the shape you want to be... 

Yes, "round"is a shape too, but how many of you like being round? 

If you are young and you eat and drink a great deal without exercising and building muscle it will spoil your health, slow your mind, make you fat - in other words, turn you into an adult.  Here's to staying young as long as possible!!! 


Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.  
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology

Ex-Professional Athlete-- 
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to  Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses.

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Apr 15, 2013

The Big C and Exercise

The Big C and Exercise...

 When someone has cancer, the whole family and everyone who loves them does too... 

My father passed away from Cancer a couple of years ago but he fought it hard and he had always said that the exercise that all the everyday exercises that he had done for so many years throughout his life kept him sane and gave him enough energy to create enough time to see all of his children one more time and to play golf one more time...  

I would like to thank my friend,  Melanie Bowen ( for researching the info below of the results that people who have been diagnosed with cancer may have through an exercise program...

Thanks Mel!!!  

Discover the Positive Impact Exercise Can Have on a Cancer Patient

Being diagnosed with a cancer as rare as mesothelioma or as common as breast cancer brings immediate changes to a person’s life.  When everything was going as planned each day, suddenly hearing the diagnosis of a life-threatening disease can have a huge impact on a person and everyone who is close to that individual.  When bad news is given, it is understandable that many people want to hide from what the next few months may potentially bring.  However, facing the situation with the support of loved ones and taking proactive steps to fight the disease is necessary to protect the health of the cancer patient.

How Can Exercise Help a Cancer Patient?

The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability has released an online resource that lists informative news on how exercise can assist cancer patients.  Through a combination of strength-training activities and cardiovascular workouts, a person who is fighting cancer can grow stronger and enjoy increased levels of energy.  In addition to effectively fighting pain and exhaustion in a person, exercise is also known for improving moods and brightening a person’s overall outlook on life by reducing stress and anxiety.

The article mentioned above also addresses issues regarding side effects from common cancer treatments.  Common side effects that people experience from surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation include swollen joints, headaches, lethargy, depression, weight loss or gain, nausea and restricted mobility.  Exercise, when done on a routine basis, can play a big role in reducing many of these side effects and making a person’s overall quality of life much more enjoyable and comfortable.  Being able to reduce side effects through exercise also helps a cancer patient to better be able to focus on getting well so recovery may be reached in a timely manner.

Keep It Interesting

Switching up exercise routines to keep them stimulating is something positive a person can do to help stay on track with meeting fitness goals.  Getting an accountability partner who is a friend to help a person remain committed to exercising a few times a week is also helpful.  Cancer patients understandably experience significant levels of exhaustion and it can be difficult to maintain a regular fitness routine.  Having a friend to go on a short walk or someone available to go swimming with is ideal to help a cancer patient meet exercise and health goals. 

Thanks again Mel!!! 

Heart disease in the USA continues to be the number one killer; cancer is  the number 2 killer, and closing in. Japan is the other way around with cancer, the biggest killer and  heart disease and strokes 2nd and 3rd.    The crazy aspect of these deadly diseases is that they could all be cured with a little more attention to what we eat, having an exercise program to get our bodies up and moving everyday, and the support of those around us... 

A lot of emotional stress that people go through, even the little things, some people figure out a way to get through it. They usually have a strong enough support system to keep them  going and keep moving them moving forward. For the little or big things... Rely on your support system when you need it... If you don't have one get one... 

To All of Our Health!!!  
Stay healthy and stay active!!!  

Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.   
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan 
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology

Ex-Professional Athlete--  
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to  Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses. 

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Apr 1, 2013

Quiet Please!!!

Q U I E T   P L E A S E !!! 

Living in Japan, you seldom have anytime for total peace and quiet… In fact, I have never heard my ears ring from lack of any sound like I have a number of times in the states while I was at the Grand Canyon, Arches, Death Valley, the jungles of Malaysia and Thailand etc…  Japan does have its country-side with fewer and fewer people every year but there always seems to be something making a noise that keeps the word total silence out of the vocabulary… 

Do you remember a time or the last time that you really had a quiet moment… where you could feel and hear your heart beating, your ears ringing, the pulse of your blood without even touching your wrist…

We all need a little quiet time, a little down time, a little “off the grid” time so we can pay attention to what is going on inside our bodies and our brains… How long has it been since you were able to take a time out from the high pace of everything?  Has it been too long?  Most of us have to learn how to reunite with our inner-self and the messages that are always there when we are really listening…the most simple and the most complex problems can be solved and decisions made with a little peace and quiet that makes for things being better in our lives…

The Japanese have always been considered a quiet people… I have found that not to be the case when they are in numbers… even small numbers…  I was at Arches watching the Delicate Arch and the Sun about to rise right through the middle of it… It was a very beautiful and quiet moment… The next second, a huge deafening sound of … not other Americans, nor Europeans, but a busload of Japanese got off a bus and decided that talking in a huge voice in the middle of nowhere where there isn’t any noise, was a good thing for them…  Little did they realize that they were about to miss out on one of the most beautiful sites on this planet and also the chance to hear total silence for probably the first time in their lives…  
Speaking better Japanese than their guide, I immediately popped out the Osaka dialect and started to calm the masses down with low and very witty  sense of humor but with a final destination of total peace and quiet from all of them and before the Sun rose too high to enjoy it…  They got the picture, and we took pictures after they enjoyed the moment of pure and total silence… a once in a lifetime experience for most of them…

What is your excuse for not taking some time to just sit down and be quiet so you can really think about things?   Examples to come soon... :) 


When was the last time you spent a quiet moment just doing nothing - just sitting and looking at the sea, or watching the wind blowing the tree limbs, or waves rippling on a pond, a flickering candle or children playing in the park?

There is a time to be quiet and a time to talk!

Robert Scott is an Exercise and Sport Sciences/ Sport Psychology Specialist.   
University Professor at University in Osaka, Japan 
Master/PhD. Courses: Sport Philosophy, Psychology, Pedagogy and Physiology

Ex-Professional Athlete--  
Health Specialist-- Motivational Speaker and Trainer to  Professional and Olympic Athletes and to the Masses. 

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